Our History

We grew up on the south side of Chicago.  Carol was a good Catholic girl and I was the hoodlum that she fell in love with.  We’ve been together since 1971 and I really don’t know how she put up with me, especially in those early years.  When I returned from Viet Nam, we went to my next duty station in California.  I had gotten into drugs in Nam and progressed, shall we say, the wrong way.  Life became one big pointless party.  

We were doing well.  Had a sports car, a motorcycle, a nice apartment, a good job and an incredible stereo.  But something was missing.  We had everything we needed or wanted, but there was an emptiness I couldn’t explain.  What was the purpose of life?  Get high, be a good husband and get stuff?  But what’s the purpose?  What is truth???  That started a consuming and exhaustive search that pretty much drove Carol nuts, but if there was a purpose to life, I had to find it, no matter what it cost or how deep I had to dig.

Then, one day a friend introduced me to a group of young people who blew my mind.  They had peace that I could literally see and love that just glowed.  More than that, they had a Presence about them that I simply couldn’t explain.  It seemed evident that they were  religious, sort of, but it was even more evident that they were Jesus Freaks.  They never preached to or at me, but that Presence said more than any man could ever say.  That afternoon, I fell on my knees cried out, “God, if what I’m seeing is real and if it’s You, I want it!”  That day, my life changed forever.

Now, we travel wherever we can with one thought in mind.  Jesus Christ loves you and has a purpose for your life that will exceed your wildest dreams.  All you have to do is receive Him and walk with Him and He will unfold your convoluted existence and bring you into … life.