
“I (husband) take thee (wife) to be my wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in death, for richer of for poorer, etc, etc, until death do us part” It is a gallant pledge and says so much. Yet, in today's society, it seems to mean so little. We even bring in Scripture to validate and quantify the “pledge.” The husband quotes Scripture and says, “If she would be a better wife...” or “She won't submit...” and the wife quotes Scripture and says, “There is neither male of female in Christ.” or “The wife is only supposed ot submit to her husband if he 'is in Christ.' or even worse takes a phrase from a previous verse that specifically talks to church relationships and, applying it to the verse that says “Wives submit to your own husbands...” and qualifies it, saying, “submitting one to another.”

We usually end up with a marriage that we hope will work out and if it doesn't, oh well, we can always get a divorce. Even worse is when we try to justify our decisions and say, “Well, this isn't the marriage that God wanted for me in the first place, so I need to get divorced so I can set it straight.” I've actually seen a man divorce his wife, marry someone twenty years younger and continue in the ministry while his wife married a younger man and continued in the same ministry. Talk about a blemish on the Name of Jesus! This ought not be! Is there any sanity to this thing called marriage???

There are a number of contributing problems and one of the main problems is the fast food society we live in. We buy into something and if it doesn't “work out” we toss it and look for another without any thought given to how to make it work. We've gotten lazy and expect everything to be perfect out of the box, and if it doesn't work as expected, well... we'll get another. This is not what God had in mind and, to be quite honest, never will match up with “...till death do we part.” in any way, shape or form.

So, what ARE the problems and, more importantly, how do we fix it?

One of the main misunderstandings is commitment. When I am talking to people who are getting married, I tell them right off the bat, that there are three phases in love.

The first phase is infatuation. This is what gets us in trouble in the first place. We look at this girl and she is the hottest thing on earth. She looks at you and she's got the same thing going on. It's a match. Neither one can do anything wrong and it's a match made in heaven. And it's wonderful. She can't even sneeze wrong. It's heaven on earth. There's only one problem... people change.

The second phase is aggravation. This is when you are woke up by the train that's going by and you realize that there are no train tracks near your house and the sound is coming from the other side of the bed. This is when you realize that this petite, frail woman that you married has some ways that aren't quite so petite. Nor are they frail. This is when you realize that maybe your prince charming still wants to be the “prince” but he ain't so charming. This is when you begin to realize “what” you married and you probably got into something you didn't bargain for and you begin to have thoughts like, “My Lord, what did I get myself into???”.

The third phase is love. This is when you realize that regardless of how he or she has “changed,” you made a commitment and are going to see it through. This is when you push past the things that drive you up a wall and push into walking the walk that you agreed on in the first place. This is when you begin to realize that those things that were so “cute” are not as important as the qualities you are beginning to discover as you get past the facade and start seeing the real and wonderful creation that God gave you. And the third phase, you will find, is so much better than the first.

But we have one very big question... How do we get past that second phase??? How do we get past the “I don't 'feel' like I'm 'in love'” anymore. It must be over.”??? How do we get past the “this is impossible” and get to the “can't live without her (or him)”??? Is it worth the trouble? Can it ever work??? It's easier than one might think. And it is definitely worth the journey. Of course I've only been married for over forty-five years, so I only have limited experience. I sometimes tell people, “We've been married forty-five years... and we're still friends...” A little tongue in cheek, but the point is simple. I don't want an existence. I want a marriage. I want a friend that I can walk with and talk with. Am I asking too much? I think not!


One of the biggest problems that we face is in our definitions of some basic words. The first word we have a problem with is love. We have been sold this idea that love is an “uncontrollable feeling.” Whether we are looking at movies, or ads or any number of influences that we face every day, we see relationships found and/or based on “that feeling.” But how do we differentiate “that feeling” from the normal attraction of an otherwise good relationship or friendship? We don't. So we fall for that “good feeling,” giving up or stressing a relationship that should be lasting a lifetime. Where did we go wrong? The biggest misunderstanding that I have found is the simple definition of “love.” What is it? Can it be defined? Do we have any “control” over it or are we victims of wherever it takes us???

Years ago, in the eighties, I was busy in ministry and my wife wasn't “towing the line.” She was doing things (or not doing things) that were driving me up a wall. I would say something, but was met with excuses or ignored. Well. I felt like I was being ignored. In any case, there were lives at stake. There was a ministry as stake. And this “woman that God gave me” wasn't “submitting” like she should be. As these thoughts escalated in my mind, probably assisted by my fixation on these 'issues,' I finally reached a breaking point. Carol was sleeping and I was “studying” the Word (or looking for ammunition in this battle) and I couldn't get past my fixation. I said, “That's it!!!” and hit the road. I'm out of here. Can't take no more. Can't minister when my house is out of order, etc, etc, etc.

After driving miles down the road, with no idea of where I was going and with no idea of what I would do when I got there. The only thing on my mind being, “I'm DONE!!!” I had a thought that stopped me in my tracks. “What am I doing???” I come to the realization that my pride and my feelings were ruling my life. I turned around and went back home. We had already seen so many miracles and supernatural interventions, all based on knowing that God means exactly what He says. Why would God put me in this position of having an incredible ministry and having this stubborn woman for a wife, this woman who couldn't get it through her head that my word was law... SO... once more, back to the Bible. I'm either gonna get her to line up or frustrate her so much she'll get out of the way. Boy, was I in for a surprise. She wasn't going anywhere and I would end up finding that there were just some things that I stood on that were wrong. In a few words, I didn't know what I was talking about.

A touch of Moses

Before we get too far into this, I'd like to take a quick look at Moses and the Rock that followed him.
1 Corinthians 10:1-4 tells us, “
For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea; 2 and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3 and all ate the same spiritual food; 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.”

As Moses was leading the nation through the wilderness, they got thirsty and started whining, “Did you bring us all out here to die of thirst?” Moses prayed and the Lord told him to take his rod and strike the rock. Water came out, the people drank and everyone was happy. (Exodus 17:1-7) Miles down the road, in Numbers 20, the people got thirsty again and started whining about dying of thirst again.

In Numbers 20:1-13 we have another instance of thirst. Moses names these waters Meribah also, but it is another location. The first instance was at
Rephidim. Here, in Numbers 20, they are at Kadesh. We also know this is another event by 1 Cor 10:4 and also by the instructions God gives Moses in Exodus. This time, Moses is in the Tent of Meeting with Aaron and when Moses is praying for guidance on what to do, God says, in verse eight, “"Take the rod; and you and your brother Aaron assemble the congregation and speak to the rock before their eyes, that it may yield its water. You shall thus bring forth water for them out of the rock and let the congregation and their beasts drink." Moses take the rod and goes out to the rock and strikes it twice with his rod. “Then Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came forth abundantly, and the congregation and their beasts drank.” Exodus 20:11. God reprimanded Moses for not following instructions and striking the rock and because Moses didn't follow the exact instructions that he received from the Lord, he was told that because he didn't reverence God, Moses was forbidden entry into the promised land.

What's the big deal??? Moses prayed. God agreed to bring water. Moses may have hit the rock instead of speaking to it, but hey, the people got water and it all turned out good, right? Sure, Moses was a little human, but why was God so upset? And why was the punishment so severe??? In order to see the full significance of this, we need to think about what happened and about this Rock that followed them, which was Christ... and about what God was so upset about.

This event was yet another picture of Christ being foreshadowed. When Moses struck the rock twice, it spoiled the picture God wanted shown. The first time at the rock, Moses was told to strike the rock and it brought forth water. The second time, he was told to take the rod and speak to the rock. Where were they? They were in the tent of meeting. What rod? Moses'? No, the rod that was in the tent of meeting was the rod of Aaron, the one that budded with life, the rod of mercy that was in the ark. Moses did take the rod and go to the rock, but when he got there, Moses hit the rock with his rod, not the rod that was in the tent of meeting. His rod was the rod of judgment.

The issue was the picture. The rock had already been struck. Once struck, the rock only needed to be spoken to through the rod of mercy. Christ was struck by the rod of judgment once for all the sins of mankind. He never needed to be struck again. He only needs to be spoken to through the rod of mercy. When Moses struck the rock, he destroyed the picture God was wanting to show.

Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. Just because something gets the end result does not mean it was done right. The end result, done right, is not necessarily existing together in a marriage for life. It is a lifetime of showing the world a picture of Christ and the church through our marriage.

As I started researching this thing call marriage, I realized that the we, as a whole, have no real handle on three very important and life affecting definitions... Love, leadership and submission.

The deeper I got into the Word of God, the more I realized that we have a lot of definitions that aren't even close to what God thinks. I guess we would rather lean on our understanding rather than to trust God's. Excuse me for being blunt, but there is only one word for that... dumb! Well, maybe there's another word... stupid. I want God's heart... not my explanation. So, let's look at these three words...


Love is probably the most misunderstood as regards a “definition,” and the misunderstanding is probably fed by unreal expectations and the worldly idea that we “fall in love.” If we “fall in love,” can't we just as easily “fall out of love?” Doesn't the “game” of love become nothing more than a throw of the dice, and if the dice fall right, we might have a go at a “marriage?”. Our definition of love drastically changes when we consider God's love, though. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son...” Are we that cute? Are our personalities so magnetic that God just couldn't help Himself and He just “fell” for us? Or maybe we so impressed Him with our actions that He just couldn't help Himself? Or... well, maybe not. Maybe there is something much more to this “love” than we, in our finite minds can imagine.

When I came back to the house after my “great escape” I started delving into what Scripture says about marriage. Since I couldn't control Carol's thoughts and actions, maybe I ought to check out what God says and thinks about the matter. “Wives submit to your husbands...” Surely that is some “ammo.” Then I read that the older women are supposed to teach the younger women “how” to love their husbands. Of course, most men don't think that they would need instruction there, but still, since Carol didn't have any such instruction, maybe that could be an excuse. But what am I supposed to do with what I considered a “rebellious” wife. All I could find was things like 1 Peter 3:7, “You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding manner...” and Colossians 3:19, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them.” So, I guess I'm supposed to be understanding with her and I'm supposed to love her, but why would Paul add “and do not be embittered against them.”? Unless there was a really good possibility that I could so dwell on her “shortcomings” that I could actually get bitter.
or there really is nothing new under the sun and people in the first century had the same types of issues that we have today.

A little side note on bitterness: Hebrews 12:15 tells me, “
See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled;” A root springing up tells me that this bitterness can be deep seated and spring up. It also tells me that when it springs up, it can defile many. I was in the business of healing many, not defiling many. And what about the beginning of the verse? Could I actually fall short of the Grace of God if I allow this “root” to take hold? Maybe this is an important issue to pay attention to... or at least think about. Maybe this thought is too deep and we need to bet back to “love.”

here was one Scripture that really kind of nailed me. Ephesians 5:25 tells us, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Wait a minute... All I have to do is love my wife like Christ loves me? Then I realized... I'm in trouble. So, lets start with the obvious question. Why did He love the church? He chose to. What did the church do to deserve the kind of love that would take Jesus to the Cross? Absolutely nothing. What happens if I don't listen to Him? He still loves me. What happens if I don't “live up to His “expectations?” He still loves me. What happens if I get angry with Him because He doesn't see things the way I do? He still loves me. What happens if I get testy and whinny and become a proverbial pain? He loves me! If we are looking for reasons to love our wives, this isn't helping too much, is it? Why does He love me anyway??? He chose to. He chose to love me. He chose to die for me. He chose to raise from the dead for me. He chose to welcome me when this thick-headed and stubborn man realized that His love is unshakable. His love is unconditional, period. And why do I love Him? Because he first loved me.

I realized that “love” is not a feeling of emotion. It is a choice. It is a commitment. And How can He just tell me, “Morrie, love your wife, as I loved you?” unless... unless it is a decision that I can make. Maybe, just maybe, when she is grumpy or obstinate or just flat stubborn... Wait a minute! I've been grumpy a few times. And there's been times that I've been obstinate. I've even been stubborn more than once... And He never stopped loving me. Maybe it's up to me to honor my commitment and love her, even through times that she may not be that lovable. The results of that choice are phenomenal, but let's go on...


There seems to be no disputing that there is an order in the household. Having found what I did on love, though, how am I supposed to “establish” this order. Just before telling the husbands to love their wives, just as Christ loved the church, Paul says in Ephesians 5:22-24, “
Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” So, let me get this straight. I'm supposed to be the head just like Christ is the head of the church. What if she refuses to be “led?”

In all fairness, many circles say that verse twenty-one applies to the husband and wife. Other circles believe that verse twenty-one applies to the previous verses that deal with church relationships. Yet others say that since we are all in Christ's church, it applies to both. Those who say it applies to the husband and wife either miss or dismiss the word that joins it to the previous verses. Verse twenty-one starts with the simple word “and,” which joins it to the previous verse and even makes it part of the same sentence as the previous verse. Those who say it applies to all miss the point of order. If we are to dismiss order in favor of an interpretation, I suggest that the next time your pastor is preaching his sermon, that you just walk up to the pulpit and take over... and see how well it is received. You might say that the order of the church is an entirely different issue, but I would say that clearly stated order is not. Why would Paul even bother specifying household order if it didn't matter? But, that being said, if I'm going to be seri
ous about being the head of my household... I got problems. But wait a minute. I got a clue.... If I am supposed to be the head of the wife like Christ is the head of the church, maybe all I have to do s be more Christ-like. But then, doesn't other Scripture teach us all that? And aren't we told in 1 Cor 2:16 that we “have the mind of Christ?” And if I am to be the leader of my household and “lead” my wife, all I have to do is figure out how Christ leads the church.

Now, one city that we lived in actually had a law on the books that said that a husband could only beat his wife once a week and he could only use a rod no bigger than his little finger. There's only one problem there. It might help a man think he is in charge, but that would only produce a slave, either a submissive slave or, if she is really stubborn, a runaway slave. Besides, I don't sleep will with one eye open and she knows where I sleep, so I guess that wouldn't work to well. Besides, I don't fit in with the “beater” type anyway. More importantly, how can I love her like Christ loves me while I'm beating her into submission? No... that won't work. Maybe I could just browbeat her into submission... No, all that does is breed resentment. That won't work either. Do I have an impossible task??? or is there something more. Maybe there is another option. Maybe I ought to look at how Christ leads me.

What does Jesus do when I get “out of line?” How does he “set me straight?” And when He slaps me upside the head??? oh wait, He doesn't slap me around, does He? But He does speak to me... and do I listen??? What if I don't??? And if I do listen... why??? There has to be a key here somewhere!

Actually, He is more patient with me than I could ever imagine. But wait a minute, isn't patience one of the qualities of that other word that is misunderstood, love? He is patient with me. He is kind to me. He isn't arrogant toward me. He doesn't count how many mistakes I make. He doesn't even get defensive when I'm upset. Gee, that sounds familiar. Actually 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 tells me exactly what love is, “
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.” Love simply never fails. And He has never failed me yet. All I have to do is realize that I can hope all I want and even have all the faith in the world, but love is the key. 1 Corinthians 13:13 summarizes the love chapter with, “But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” All I have to do is walk in love and lead my wife with … love. What a concept!

When I realize the unconditional nature of real love and choose to love my wife the way my Jesus loves me, unconditionally... When I choose to take the responsibility of leading my wife like Christ leads me... in love... something absolutely amazing happens. Her heart is turned toward her husband. Gee, that sounds familiar, doesn't it??? We love Him because He first loved us. Maybe I ought to follow His example and not my so called “solutions.”


“Wives submit to your own husbands, in the Lord.” “Submit” has been the subject of so many twists of Scripture and I heard so many women explain to me what it is. What I usually hear is willing ignorance of Scripture or explaining away of what is actually quite clear. They feel like it makes them a second class citizen and, by golly, they ain't having none of that. So, they take some verses out of context and others, they explain away while they try to lay hold of promises in other Scriptures by dissecting the verse word for word, often taking it even farther from its actual meaning. Why???

Well, a lot of times they are standing up against what is actually not right or even Scriptural, but all they are doing is gathering ammunition instead of finding solutions. Then they blame the failed marriage on “that husband who just wouldn't submit to Christ.” Let me toss in a news flash here. Jesus loves that aggravating and mean husband just as much as he loves the rebellious and mean wife. Maybe we ought to look for another solution.

First, let me say this. Submission, like I said earlier, is one of the most misunderstood Scriptural words in the Bible. We think it is walking behind the husband and jumping when he barks or following his instructions verbatim and in the exact way he says them, not doing anything unless he says its okay... and so much more. We quote the Scripture that says “Wives submit to your husbands...” and then we quote Proverbs 31. Has anyone really considered that our idea of “submission” and the woman of Proverbs 31 don't seem to be the same thing??? This proverbs woman is almost an activist.

Also, it's good to point out that the submissive wife can win over her husband to the Lord. How can I say that when so many husbands want their wives to submit to ungodly activities? Submission does not mean blind obedience. The only One we should blindly obey is Christ. But there is a way to follow Christ without rebelling against God's order. It begins like anything else that is worth anything, in the heart. When the woman's heart is toward her husband and yet, she cannot yield to ungodly things or activities, it becomes obvious to him. He will either be brought to the point of seeing something in her that changes his life or he, as the unbelieving husband” will leave, in which case the wife is not bound.

Relay General Haig...
While we were stationed in Germany, we were joined with a fellowship in Stuttgart. The commanding general invited the entire fellowship to his house for Thanksgiving dinner. I personally watched as this general went up to every person, private, civilian, spouse, whatever and asked each one if there was anything that he could get for them, if they had enough or if he could get them another late. I was amazed at the extent of the hospitality and commented to one of the staff that it must have been quite an undertaking to fix all this food and make all these preparations. He responded to me, “No sir. It was no trouble at all for us. The general insisted on fixing everything himself. What affected this man so much? He was in charge of US Army Europe. He could have snapped his fingers and had anything done, but he had to do everything because it was for these people and he didn't even come to the fellowship. Yet, he insisted on making all the preparations himself.

Well, he didn't come to the fellowship, but his wife did. She had been going through depression and had found Jesus. He was so grateful for the change that h saw in his wife that he just wanted to say, “Thank you!” the only way he knew how. He showed his appreciation with action. We had even seen this General walk into the commissary and see a woman looking for milk. He saw the shelf was empty and could have barked out an order and everyone in the commissary would have jumped. He could have “Got it done!!!” No, he walked around to the back and stocked the self himself. What changed that man??? No one can tell me that a submissive wife can't change her husband!!! I've seen it work.

When I discovered that I needed to lead my household in love, not push my wife with a whip, as I said earlier, something amazing happened. Her heart was turned back to her husband. She started being the “submissive” wife. We found that as we walk together with Christ, He can speak to her as well as me. If we don't hear the same thing, we can pray about it. If she is bull-headed and refuses to hear what I hear, I can pray for her... but there is a problem. I'm not Christ. I'm a human. So, when I pray for God to “straighten her out,” I've learned to listen. I might be the one who needs to be lined out. Likewise, when I don't hear what she feels she heard, she has learned to simply pray and walk with me anyway. She knows that God will honor her respect for His order and will either show her why I've taken a particular stand (line her out) or He will speak to her husband and open his heart (line me out). We've learned that it doesn't matter much which. What matters is US hearing the Lord.

I also found that submission isn't an act of hopeless surrender. It is an attitude of the heart. I don't have a servant or a house maid. I have a wife, for better of worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do we part. I have found a partner that I can't live without and have watched a wonderful woman of God blossom before my eyes. How did all this happen? It just happens when we trust God and believe He knew what He was doing when He inspired the Bible. All I did was discover that if I am to lead my wife as Christ leads the church, it that leading must be rooted in love. And if I am to love my wife as Christ loves the church, that love must be unconditional. And the result has been that I have found an excellent wife. Who needs a maid when you have a partner? .