Abiding in Jesus

Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. (John 15:9 NASB)

In this one very short verse, we are told that Jesus has loved us just as the Father has loved Him. Then He simply says to abide in His love. It sounds so simple. Just abide in His love. One short and simple statement leaves us with just one simple question. How? Jesus continues, though and says in verse 10, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love;...” In verse 12, He tells us that His commandment is that we love one another, just as He loved us.

So many times, I hear people say they just don’t feel the presence of God. Usually, they are looking for some great spiritual euphoria. In other words, we are looking for a religious high. We want to know that God is there with us. Sometimes we haven't even taken the first step, receiving Him into our lives.

After we receive Jesus, we try a lot of things. We try to get busy in religious activities. We try to pray real hard. We try to study a lot. Sometimes we even try to corner God into getting close to us. No matter how hard we try, though, we don’t seem to get any closer and get frustrated.

Jesus made things a lot simpler than we do. He says that if we keep His commandments, we will abide in His love. If we really want God’s presence in our lives, let’s try simply obeying His command. Let’s try loving one another, just as He loved us. When we get our minds off ourselves and find the blessing of blessing others, we’ll find that God is a lot closer to us than we thought.

“Jesus replied: If anyone loves me, they will obey me. Then my Father will love them, and we will come to them and live in them.
(John 14:23 CEV)

Receiving Jesus

If we are to “abide in Jesus,” we must first be “in Jesus.” Jesus in discussing spiritual life with Nicodemus, told him simply, “you must be born again.” So, before we can discuss “abiding in Jesus” we must, of necessity, first discuss how to be born again. The simplest way to explain this is based in the book of Romans.

First, we must admit we are sinners. Romans 3:21 tells us, “
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Basically, there is no human who has lived a perfect life, with one exception, Jesus. Romans 6:23 tells us the seriousness of this situation, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” By God's Law, we all have earned death. There is, however, one way out of this death sentence. Jesus Christ died to pay for our sins. This payment for our sins is even a free gift. However, before we can say we have this gift, we have to receive it.

In order to receive this free gift of salvation, new life, we must believe in our hearts that Jesus did die for our sins and rose from the dead. This is clearly shown in Romans 10:9, 10, where Paul describes the message that he is preaching, “
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”

He continues quoting Joel 2:32 in verse Romans 10:13, “

This is an Old Testament promise being kept by a faithful God with the death of Jesus. All we have to do is call upon the Lord. Of course, before we can actually call on Him, we must believe that He is and that He actually did die and was raised from the dead. If we have accepted this Jesus, the next step is living the Christian life. The only way we can really live the Christian life is to Abide in Jesus.

The True Vine

“I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.”
(John 15:1,2 NASB)

Here, Jesus is saying words of great promise. If we bear fruit, God, Himself will prune us so that we will bear more fruit. This is great news for the worker who wants to build God’s Kingdom on earth. It’s great news for those who want to bring others into the fold. It’s great news for those who just want to get closer to Jesus. The more you do, the more “in Jesus” we are, the more fruit will come. There is a flip side also. It’s bad news for the one who wants to wear the “Christian” label and does nothing. It is a warning that the one who produces no fruit will be cut off.

Before she passed away, every time I would visit my mother, she had a new plant to show me. She got so exited when a plant she nurtured bloomed or bore fruit. I had never given it much thought, except to be blessed that she was happy with her plants and enjoyed the fruit. Sometimes I reflect on it and think about it. Jesus talked a lot about vines and fruit and such. One thing I think of is how much time she spent caring for these plants. She didn’t even really think about it, I might add. It’s a no brainer! She would walk through the plants and just reach out and pluck a branch off. Then she’d grab another, then another. Many of these branches showed signs of dying, so I didn’t think much about it, but the first time I saw her break off a branch that didn't look like it was dying, I questioned her. Her reply was simply, “It has no fruit.” Those gardeners out there will understand that and say something like, “Well, duh!” Being raised in a big city, my response was more like, “Whatever.” Being inquisitive, though, I asked for more information. She explained that the fruit on the other branches wouldn’t be as good if the branches that had no fruit sucked up all the nutrients. She called these branches “suckers” because all they did was take the nutrients and give nothing in return.

John the Baptist, when religious leaders came to be baptized, called them snakes and vipers and told them in Matthew 3:8, “Therefore bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance.” John knew that our Father was more concerned with fruit than a good show. If they had just listened to him and bore fruit, they wouldn’t have been cut off. Some, I believe, may have. The Word of God actually says much about fruit and the Word says much about abiding in Jesus.

First, I would encourage us all, both the reader and the author, to examine ourselves. Are we bearing fruit? If we are “suckers”, putting on a good show, doing all the right things and knowing all the “right answers”, but showing no fruit, we will be cut off. If that's the case, we need to repent and with all our hearts, reach out to Jesus. Fruit that befits repentance will come. If, on the other hand, we are bearing fruit, take heart. Even more fruit is coming.

The Pruning

I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. (John 15:1-3 NASB)

Yesterday we talked about the fact that the Father takes away the branches that do not bear fruit and prunes those that do. Actually, my main focus was on how the branches that bear no fruit are taken away for the health of the plant. Jesus also says that the vinedresser prunes the branches that do bear fruit.  Then in verse three, He says, “You are already clean…” In verse four, Jesus continues talking about the branches and the vine.

When I first started reading the Bible, I came to the realization that there were just some things that looked like they were out of place. I learned that if you didn’t understand how something fit in, just go on until God Speaks to you. Don’t try to make it mean something, just trust God to reveal it to you when He wants to. As a result, I learned to scratch my head, ask why and, if I don’t get an answer, just read on and come back to it when the Lord leads. Here we have one verse that looks like it is totally out of context.  It means so much by itself, though, that even plopped in the middle of the Vine and the branches, it still has incredibly profound Truth in these few words. All we have to do is look at this one verse and cry out, “Lord Speak to me and I’ll be clean.!” The Truth is there and I have stood on this verse many times in my Christian life. It just seems out of place in the story; out of place, that is, until we look at pruning.

The other night, when the Lord put this on my heart, and I was reading, it bothered me that this one verse, as much power as it has, seemed out of place.  It should have been placed before or after the Vine and the branches, not smack dab in the middle! When I took a good look at pruning, light dawned and I found that it fits perfectly right where it is. The Greek word that is translated as “prunes” is literally translated “cleanses.” The CEV translates the later part of verse two as, “…But he trims clean every branch that produces fruit...” The BBE translates this trimming as, “…He makes clean…” Young’s Literal translation translates this verse, “every branch in me not bearing fruit, He doth take it away, and every one bearing fruit, He doth cleanse by pruning it, that it may bear more fruit;” Then, Jesus says, “You are already clean because of the Word I have spoken to you.” And He continues talking about the Vine and the branches.

In our daily lives, we all have things we deal with. Each day, though, is an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus. It is up to us to allow it to happen. It is up to us to say, “Yes, Lord! Cleanse me! Prune out what You don’t want in my heart! Speak to me and make me clean.” We bear fruit when we truly accept Jesus and choose to follow Him. As He speaks to us, we are cleansed, pruned clean, so that we can bear much more fruit.

Abide in the Vine

”Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them into the fire, and they are burned.” ( John 15:4-6 NASB)

Years ago a young minister struggled with this area of Scripture. He had a small following and knew the Scripture means exactly what God means it to say. As silly as it might sound, he sat and studied a vine for hours on end. He needed to do something and he knew Jesus said that if we abide in Him like the branch abides in the vine, fruit would come. He was an active person and wanted to do something, anything to make his church grow. He would follow any great command the Lord would give him. He was desperate and in his desperation, he studied the vine. After endless hours of study that stretched into days, he finally did come to a conclusion. His conclusion has ministered to me so many times over the years. “After all those hours of trying to figure out just what that branch did to get so much life out of the vine,” he said “I couldn’t figure out anything the branch did, except stay there.”

We see so many great ministries and so many great men and women of God who are doing great things for the Kingdom.  When we get saved or when the Lord calls us to a ministry, we are so ready and willing to jump in and do great things for God.  Then nothing happens.  Then we get depressed.  Then we start wondering if we heard God in the first place.  Where is the great God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not to mention Ezekiel, Daniel and Elijah?  Did I hear God?  Is God with me?  Where are all the great things I thought God said He was going to do?  Am I saved???  They are all the wrong questions!  The question should be, “Have I found a place to just ‘be there’ with Jesus? 

In verse four, Jesus says, “Abide in Me, and I in you.”  Then He says that we are just like the branch and cannot bear fruit unless we abide in Him.  In verse five, He says virtually the same thing, except He goes a little deeper.  Jesus starts verse five saying, “I am the vine, you are the branches.  He goes on to say the one who abides in Jesus and Jesus in him will produce much fruit.  He finishes the verse, “for apart from Me you can do nothing.”  Jesus emphasizes “Abide in Me, and I in you.”  He emphasizes that the branch cannot produce fruit by itself and neither can we.  He goes as far as saying that apart from Him we can do nothing and then He says that if anyone does not abide in Him, he will be thrown away, will dry up
, be gathered and, eventually end up in the fire.   Verse six makes it so imperative that we abide.  But how???

Like the young preacher, I couldn’t figure out anything the branch did either . . . except stay there!  Do you have a time when you can just stay there?  Have you found a place you can just hide from all distractions and say, “Jesus, stay with me a while.  I don’t really want anything.  I just want to say I love You and just want to stay here, just for a while, with You.  Will You just sit with me for a while?”  I’ve never heard Him say no to a prayer like that.

That Quiet Place

Luke 5:15,16  But the news about Him was spreading even farther, and great multitudes were gathering to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses.  16 But He Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.  NASB

When Jesus prayed for us in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed that we would be one.  He prayed that we would be one with Him as He was with the Father.  John Chapter 17 is a fantastic insight into the Lord’s heart as regards us, His followers.  When I read it, I think of times like this, when Jesus would just slip away to a quiet place and pray.  Here, right in the middle of all the excitement, what does Jesus do?  He slips away to the wilderness to pray.  Personally, I don’t think Jesus was praying for power or spiritual insight.  I don’t think he was praying that the Father would open His eyes to what He was supposed to do the next day.  I don’t think he was even praying for finances to cover His expenses for the next trip He took the apostles on.  He was practicing a closeness with the Father that we all need to attain.    When Jesus taught, through the vine and the branches that we need to abide in Him and He in us, He was teaching relationship.

With four children, it could be a challenge to find a hiding place.  It may sound strange, but my favorite spot was in the bathroom.  I’d close the door and no one would open it.  The only time I was interrupted was when I heard dancing footsteps and “Daaaaaaad!!!”  To this day I keep a Bible in our bathroom.  My wife was more creative.  In Germany, we had these drapes that were thick and heavy and hung to the floor.  She would hide in the space between the drapes and the window and pray.  She could always hear the kids, but the kids never found her.  They would start playing and Carol would be alone with the Lord.  Kids, nothing, I couldn’t even find her!  There were times that I knew she was home and yet she was nowhere to be found.  After hours of looking, I’d give up and she would magically appear.  It was months before I found out where she was hiding.  After that, when the kids would ask, “Where’s Mom?” I’d just tell them, “She’s not far away.  She’ll be back in a little while.”  Over the years, we have found many places that we could just hide and be alone with God.  We had learned early in our Christian lives that our relationship with our Daddy was the most important part of prayer. 

Yes, prayer is asking for things we need, asking for (or standing on) healings, asking for guidance and so many other things, but first and foremost, it is communion.  Prayer should first of all be a time to be alone with God.  Yes, our nation needs prayer.  Our families, our friends and so many other things need prayer.  The absolute highest priority, though, should be to worship and just be with our Father.  The more priority we place on this communion with God, the more effective our prayers will be.  As we pray for those needs in our lives and in the lives of others, we will be talking to a Friend.
The CEV translates Luke 15:16 as “But Jesus would often go to someplace where He could be alone and pray.”   I ask again, have you found a place to hide?  Have you found a place to be alone with Jesus? 

Ask Anything

John 15:7  If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.  NASB

The last few days, we have been talking about abiding in the Vine, Jesus Christ.  The last two days have been devoted to just “being” with God.  It is so incredibly important to dwell with God.  It is so important to find that quiet time, that place where we can be alone, that place to just be with God.  It is so important, not so that we can get everything we want, but so that we can get everything He wants.  Something beautiful happens when you just “hang out” with God for a while.  The more we “hang out” with God, the more exceptional the results. 

This verse seems to be a “carte blanc” promise.  Ask ANYTHING…. It will be done!  All we have to do is spend a little time praying and memorize a little Scripture and we got it made in the shade.  Actually, the first part of this verse is quite deep.  The word abide means literally to abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain and stand.  We aren’t talking just hanging around for a while, we are talking about being a part of.  This verse is talking about becoming one with Christ, just like He prayed in John 17.  This verse isn’t talking about spending ten minutes a day on our knees; it’s talking about praying without ceasing.  When Jesus says, “…and My words abide in you…”, it gets really serious.  The word Jesus uses is rhema, which means utterance.  “Rhema” is the spoken Word and would include anything uttered by Jesus.  When we are serious enough to abide (continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand) in Jesus; when we are serious enough to lose ourselves in the Presence of God, I believe He does, indeed, speak to us.  He speaks to us through the Scripture, making the written Word come alive and speak to our spirits.  He speaks to us through our spirits, with that inner peace and that inner witness.  He also speaks to us when we are still and listen. 

Some interesting things happen in our hearts as we abide.  They change.  It’s when we abide that our wills become less important and His will becomes more important.  It is as we abide that our desires begin to fade away and His desires become part of our being.  As we abide in the Holy One of Israel, we find ourselves thinking less about the “toys” we want.  We find ourselves filled with thoughts of the Most High God.  We begin thinking more about God and others than we do of ourselves.
If we truly abide in Jesus and if Jesus’ Words truly abide in us, whatever we ask will be in line with the Word of God and it will be done.  Do we want more power in prayer?  Then let’s let prayer have more power in us! 

Proof of the Disciple

By this is My Father Glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. (John 15:8  NASB)
All last week, we talked about abiding in the vine and bearing fruit.  Bearing fruit is so important to the Christian walk that I don’t really think we can overemphasize it.  This verse tells us that this is how we prove that we are Christ’s disciples.  We are also told that this is how the Father is glorified.  It is the only way we can put on the mind of Christ.  The more time we spend with Jesus, the better we know Him and the more we become like Him.  The closer the friendship, the more the friendship will be evident.

This is so simple and yet we so often miss it by a mile.  As an inter-denominational minister, I can safely say that this is not localized to any particular denomination.  Likewise, in the many denominations of Christianity, I’ve found people who have hit the mark.  One can see it, being totally unable to explain it.  The Glory of the Father is all over them.  How do most of us miss it?  We try to display the fruits of the Spirit.  When we do something unloving, we try to condition our responses to be more loving.  When we aren’t joyful, we psych ourselves out to become (or look) happy.  It goes on.  We train ourselves to display the fruits of the Spirit while, inside, we still have turmoil, or worse yet, convince ourselves that we really are displaying the fruits.  The key word here is display.  Can you imagine a branch straining and groaning and just POOF pop out a fruit?  Sound crazy?  It is!  If the fruits of the Spirit are not flowing in our lives, the answer is not trying to act the part.  The answer is in spending more quality time with Jesus.

Most of us, when we think about “bearing fruit” think of getting people saved, straightening out things in our lives or prayers being answered.  All these things will and should happen, but when I think of fruit, the first thing I think of is Galatians 5:22, 23.  Paul, in this passage of Scripture tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  These aren’t the only fruits that will be displayed and I would like to spend some time on the various fruits of the Christian life.  Nonetheless, these are the basic issue of the Christian. 

When I joined the Army, years ago, we all received a “basic issue.”  These were things that we needed to survive in military life.  Everything we needed was there.  The only condition was that we needed to go to the quartermaster and get it and not leave until we received what we came for.  We are in a spiritual battle.  We have joined a spiritual army, the army of the Lord God, The Almighty.  In like manner, we need to go to our spiritual quartermaster and not leave until we get our basic issue.

The fruit will come!  But when???  When we spend time with the Lord.  When we lay down all those things that we worry about and totally focus our attention on Jesus and worship Him for Who He is, a peace that passes all understanding will come over us and those elusive fruits of the Spirit will become a part of us.  When we start seeing through His eyes and not according to what our eyes see, we begin to understand that it is Jesus who is in control, if we will just turn the control over to Him. 

All Things Good

Rom 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

It is so easy to quote this verse and it is so comforting to know that all things work together for the good.  It is so comforting to know that we don’t have to understand everything.  We can simply trust God to work everything out to the good.  We need to remember the whole verse though.  In fact, it would do us all good to reflect on the whole chapter.  But for now, let’s concentrate on just this one verse, not ignoring the conditions.  All things do work together for the good for those who love God.

This is the first question.  Do we love God?  Do we just think of Him when we need to?  Is God the big Santa in the sky?  Is God a good God, even when everything seems to be going wrong?  When I think of real love, I think of total commitment.  Total commitment starts with a total decision.  Out of that total commitment, grows total love.  The total decision starts with, “No matter what, Lord, I choose to love You.”  A decision of that caliber and that decision that you are going to walk with God does not depend on mere feelings.  It depends on resolve.

Second are we called according to our purpose or His purpose?  It is only as we seek Him and seek His will diligently that we find His will for our lives.  Let us draw close to the Living God, seek Him and find His will for our lives.  The world has enough people who have decided what God has called them to do.  Let us be bold enough to seek God, ask Him to order our steps and lead us in His will.  All I can really say is if God calls you to pray for people, you will never be fulfilled being a great evangelist.  If God calls you to preach the Word, you will never be fulfilled, even if you give millions to the work of God.  Whether the job be big or small is of little consequence.  What is important is that we each seek Him and allow Him to work in and through us.    

Let us first draw close to God with a firm resolve to walk with Him and love Him, no matter what.  As we draw close and know His Presence, let us listen and seek His will for our lives.  As we seek His purpose for our lives, knowing that He has called us, let us rejoice that all things are working for the good.